
Download ode to a nightingale
Download ode to a nightingale

download ode to a nightingale

The speaker’s tone is simultaneously euphoric and melancholic, which gives the poem its unique, bittersweet edge.

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The poem is narrated by an unknown speaker, who for all purposes is identified with the poet himself (this study guide, therefore, uses “he, him” pronouns for the speaker of the poem). Brown later recalled Keats spent several hours under a tree in the garden, composing the poem as he listened to the nightingale’s song. It is inspired by an actual encounter with a nightingale: In the summer of 1819, Keats was living at the Hampstead estate of his friend Charles Brown when a nightingale built a nest near the house.

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The lyric poem, structured in eight stanzas of 10 lines each, follows the rhyme scheme ABABCDECDE, and its metrical composition is largely iambic pentameter.

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